Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How to Invest in Philippine Stocks for Fun & Profit

For people who have invested in Philippine stock market , one of the most dynamic stock investing location in the world today  it is easy to increase your income by following simple money management advise.

1. Invest only money that is not intended for daily or immediate expenses and you're capable of loosing without regret.  There's a very important psychological impact such as fear and nervousness if you do otherwise that will be detrimental to your health and your pocket.

2. Don't put all your eggs in one basket:  select 2-5  companies whose price is on the way up and will likely stay there and won't go down - meaning bue chips stocks.

3. Learn basic Chart reading and analysis in order to predict the best entry price and the future price and exit price of a stock.

4. With the current volatile market meaning sudden ups and downs - it's not advisable to keep your money for so long in a stock. Sell once you see that you already meet your target income and the stock price is on the way down.

5. Invest only 1 to 2 % of your capital in each stock so if you made a mistake on your choice of stock it won't harm your investment much  and this will make sure that you're still on the roll for a long time.

6. Use a broker who charge minimal fee for each transaction and if  possible have a free Charting tool for analysing stock price like Citiseconline. Their website may be found at www.citiseconline.com.

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